While I sat and combed out my hair and braided it, I listened to the "jungle" sounds of crows, jays, squirrels etc, and watched the changing colors in the marshlands and the changing shadows as the sun rose. I began to feel different. Instead of a guilty "laziness," I felt and feel a serene peace and calmness.
Fewer small animals are looking for food around this campsite compared to Brainard Lake. I think there may be more natural food here and fewer party scraps.
If it warms up enough, I may bathe and do a wild "laundry" here. The last frost is almost melted.
Remember I told I saw someone back-dating their posts further than we'd thought Blogger would allow? Turns out they don't have a Blogspot blog. Duh.
I COULD backdate this one to the correct date, and maybe I will. But it only goes back to 1990. I would like to backdate it before it disappears into oblivion, but not yet.
It's the ones before 1990 that I cannot backdate to the correct date.
Oh, right. If you date it 1994 right from the start, only those of us who come here from a subscription service would be apt to see it, since it would auto-sort to the bottom of the blog. Good idea to wait until it's run it's week long or 10-post front page course.
Yes, exactly, I thought I would move it when it was about ready to disappear into the archives.
My problem is, I have intended to do this before, but ten posts later, I've forgotten all about it. Remembering while other things take prominance in my life is an issue for me.
Maybe I will do it now.
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