Showing posts with label mary stebbins taitt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mary stebbins taitt. Show all posts

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Last Round 5 work in Preston's Mole

Brave Benny and the Owl

watercolor and Faber-Castell and Micron artists pens
click this and all images to view larger

Dragon tears collab for Steve Spetseris
watercolor and sakura gel pen

Camouflage Rabbit
 white-line print, watercolor
pocket item for Preston

These are my last two pieces in Preston's Moleskine.  The first is for the Brave Benny Book I am doing for my grandkids (and Also for Andrea, even though it's in Preston;s Mole), the second is a collaboration for Steve Spetseris--Steve feel free to manipulate or paint over any part you'd like.  The third is a white-line print.  My first ever.  It is for Preston's pocket.  I am concerned because there is absolutely NOTHING in Preston's pocket--I thought we were each supposed to leave some small gift for the owner of the Mole in the pocket.  

A little history of the white line print.  I took a workshop.  The workshop was three hours long, during which time I made the design and then carved the woodblock and began the printing process.  It took 2 more 3-hour sessions to complete the print. It's a slow process.

The White-line print, also called the Provincetown Print, is described here and also in many other online posts, if you are interested in learning more about it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Kissed Frankie Goodnight . . .

Kissed Frankie Goodnight
watercolor by Mary Stebbins Taitt
for my book
click to view larger.

They partied for days, weeks, months and years;

the sound of their laughter filled everyone’s ears.

They partied ‘til the moon came up in the sky

and then all creatures kissed Frankie goodbye.


I painted this with watercolors, finishing it (after many days of work), on 8/21/14 and today, I added the moon in Photoshop.   It is for the book I am working on for my grandson hopefully for his birthday, otherwise for Christmas.  He will be four years old on his birthday, and has just started school.

I posted it before, but I think this is the finished version (I hope).

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Preparing to mail another traveling sketchbook

Pelicans, front of envelope
click this or any image to see the images larger

Georges Braque
Back of envelope
For the pocket, I decided to make small note cards.
Fantasy in red
I did the Fantasy in red first.
Fantasy in Blue
Mary Stebbins Taitt
Markers and pigment pens
I picked up on some of the shapes and composition of fantasy in red for my fantasy in in blue, and added an eye and a nose.  I "organized" the random lines in the wide band in fantasy in red into an eye.
Fantasy in Yellow
Mary Stebbins Taitt
Markers and pigment pens
For fantasy in yellow, I added a second eye and a mouth.  On the wide band, I made two eyes.
An Organization of Mind
Mary Stebbins Taitt
Markers and pigment pens
Because the two eyes on the wide band in Fantasy in  yellow resembled a mask, I decided I need one more (I had only planned to do three, in primary colors.)
The completed series
After I "completed" the series (or thought I had), I made one more card for my mother-in-law, who was having dinner with us, and although I hadn't intended it, it ended up to be the 5th in series.  However, it is not in the pocket because I gave it to her.

An organization of Mind II
Mary Stebbins Taitt
pigment pen and colored pencil
(NOT in pocket)