Friday, October 31, 2008

Good news!

Good news, BB just called to say he will NOT be laid off today! (This
is him at the Zoo last Saturday.)

I am working on the Geraldine Ms and have posted a brand new poem and
a revision to Half-formed. Making progress, however slow.


a/k/a Nadine said...

Phew. Thanks for the update.

BerryBird said...

Oh, that's great news! You must be so relieved.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I am actually very relieved. It's sort of nerve wracking because every couple months, there's another round of lay-offs, buy-outs, mandatory retirements and firings. Our retirement has taken a huge plunge with the stock market and with PB having to go to college still, retiring is a little risky to say the least--and getting laid off or let go is even worse.