Monday, November 29, 2010

YAY! I'm a NaNoWriMo Winner!!!

I got not only the 50,000 required words, but more than 65,000.

But the first draft of the novel is maybe a half to 2/3 done. So I
haven't really completed the novel, only the challenge.

I am going to start planning my novel for next Novemebr while I am
working on completing this one!


bluerose said...

Congrats! I've thought about trying this before, but have no idea how to do it, much less what to write about. Please let us know when you finish it. I'd love to get a copy.

Christine E-E said...

so - is the goal to write a certain amount of words?
have you self-published books? I have some friends that did that! I'm thinking of doing a coffee table book of pictures (from our London trip this past summer).