Saturday, April 21, 2012

Benny and the Rhinoceroses

Benny and the Rhinoceroses
Acrylic and watercolor
I'm getting nervous because of the encroaching deadline--April 30!

These are theoretically just the SKETCHES, but may end up being the "finals" since my times is running out. The deadline for this Brooklyn Art Library project is April 30. The total final paintings in the book needs to be 32. I have 18 additional actual painting to do. And of those, only 4 of the sketches are done. The deadlines periods are too short for my ability as an artist.

The process isn't helped by the fact that my computer is still at the repair shop and all the computer work must be done on old SLOW machines,


John said...

Wonderfully colorful Mary.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Thanks so much, John! :-D