Wednesday, February 06, 2013

The Quill and the Inkwell

The Quill and the Inkwell
Acrylics, pens, tissue paper
click image to view larger.
Yes, I know that is not an inkwell, but a bottle.  Believe it or not, I'm old enough that I remember inkwells built into our desks at school.  This is made of torn pieces of tissue paper glued together with acrylic medium as well as acrylics applied with a sponge and ink.It is an illustration for a serial novel I am working on.


John said...

Love it, and it brings back memories of my school days to. No I didn't have a quill, but we did have ink pots and pens which were wood with a nib on the end..........

merrytait said...

Thanks, John! Sorry I've been incommunicado lately!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

And then we had nice fountain pens (which sometimes exploded and made big messes.