Friday, April 03, 2009

The River King

The River King The River King by Alice Hoffman

My review

rating: 4 of 5 stars
When I first started The River King, I set it down and abandoned it. I

decided to try it again because I loved the last two Alice Hoffman books I read, The Probable Future, and The Third Angel. But in the beginning, I didn't like it much better than I did last time--but I am glad I stuck with it--it improves. I liked it very much, but I HATED--DETESTED--what happened to Gus. I suppose things like that happen in real life, but it was just so gross, disturbing and horrible that I cannot give this book 5 stars in spite of the fact that once I got into it, it held me spellbound until the end. It was mostly an excellent book but I''d personally like to rewrite it a little. I'd also like to carefully study the beginning of the book and the later parts and see if I can discover why I disliked the beginning and how I can make my own books not be like that. I think likable characters and some connection to the reader are essential and were lacking in the beginning. I may reread this book, but if so, it won't be for a long time, until I recover from my grief.

View all my reviews.

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