Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Collaboration with Gretchen in Mike's Round 3 Moleskine

Apologies to Gretchen, Mike and Aya for taking those absolutely gorgeous delicately rendered sunglasses and putting them on a pig. I felt driven to do so for some reason. Aya, you can print the original post by Gretchen and make something else out of it for her!

The scan never comes out quite like the original. I've included a detail because it doesn't show up right in the scan.

My part was done in Faber-Castelle PITT pigment artists pens and gel pens. A touch of oil pastel on the glasses. Gretchen's pens are much nicer than mine--Gretchen, tell me again what kind of pens they are.

Click the images to view them larger.


John said...

That is certainly one cool pig!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Thanks, John! :-D You are too kind!