Friday, June 07, 2013

Bison bicycled and gave a ride to Shrike on his Bike

Bison bicycled and gave a ride to Shrike on his Bike
words by San Cassimally
art by me
I think I get Aya's book next.  This is for her pocket.  Watercolor, 7 x 10 arches paper, Windsor Newton and Turner watercolors, round synthetic brushes and one small filbert.  Oh, and I did the shadow with a chinese bamboo brush, lol.  I'm not overly fond of this, unfortunately.  The calf-bones are too long.  I see now how I might fix it, by making the upper leg larger, but I'd have to start over from scratch.


John said...

Looks great to me Mary.

How are you now?

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Thanks so much,JOhn!

I am still sick. I have not been able to shower in over a week. (Sponge bath square wash! Of the Sesame Street variety, meaning quick.) Yesterday I managed a 20-minute walk at the end of the day, but was unable to do my regular exercises. I managed two small meals. Having pain and discomfort, exhaustion from lack of sleep. Some times I'm a little better and sometimes worse and with the up and down, it's hard to tell if the hospital procedure is helping or not--it was supposed to "take several weeks" [whatever that means] IF it's going to work, and the chances of it working were downgraded by the doctor.

John said...

So sorry Mary that you are still suffering.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Thanks so much, John, sorry to be so endlessly sick--sorry for myself and for everyone else who has to hear about it.