Friday, August 24, 2007

Biker Buddy rules

We were out walking and a huge storm came rolling in with thunder, lighting, wind and sudden hard rain. Biker Buddy ran home and got the car and picked me up--he got soaked--and then took me to the mall to complete our walk--even though he was still soaked! There was six-eight inches of water in the streets and the traffic lights were out. Hard driving waiting turns at every light and puddling through the water. The sky looked GREEN but it doesn't show up in the photos. Tornado warnings.
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a/k/a Nadine said...

That was very kind and loving of him. I hope the camera gear stayed dry!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

We had planned on going out on the bikes and Biker Buddy had already rolled them out of the garage but the sky was threatening and the air felt funny so he rolled them back in and we went out on foot from the house.

I only carried the small camera in a ziplock bag in my pocket--and I didn't get all that wet becasue I hid out in a cell phone store 'til he picked me up--his idea--not mine!

Katie J said...

What a man!!

You are a lucky lady with your man Mary!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I am lucky, and no, I do NOT take him for granted!

Thanks! :-D