Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Titty brought the parrot on deck after a time to enjoy the sunshine and have a real look at the sea.

* Pick up the nearest book. Right now.
* Go to page 56.
* Find the 5th sentence.
* Write that sentence in your Title.
* Copy these instructions as a comment on your Title.
* Don't get your favourite book or the best one, but the closest to you right now.


Kathryn Costa said...

Titty. I'm glad that isn't my nickname. Good for Titty to take time to enjoy the sunshine and have a *real* look at the sea. We are getting dumped on with snow and freezing rain today. I think I'll take some time to enjoy the beauty of it. Sadly I have to drive in it to go to work.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I wouldn't want it as my nickname or name, either.

From Arthur Ransome's Peter Duck. A fine book if you like Children's lit.

Drive safely.

Snow and freezing rain here, too.