Saturday, October 03, 2009

Gumbo Pot Pie

A cream-based gumbo baked into a pie shell, made from scratch--no
recipe. I'm feeling creative.


Belle said...

Wow, that looks delish! No recipe, y'say? Genius!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Someone asked for my recipe and I posted it, best I could recall, on my facebook site. But no, I almost never use a recipe. Not out of a book or magazine--but I have internal recipes.

a/k/a Nadine said...

Well, the crust looks fabulous, but I will imagine the inside is apple or fruit. :-)

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I made BB a one peach peach pie the other day, using a custard cup and a prepared pie crust--cut up the peach into the crust which was int he custard cup, added a couple teaspoons of sugar and some cinnamon, , closed the crust over the top and baked--voila--a mini peach pie. (Yum)