Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Curried Shrimp

We're going shopping tonight because we are almost out of food. It's always a challenge to make dinner when we are out of meat and fish and veggies, but there was some frozen shrimp and one potato and some raisins and some spiced ginger chutney and a pear and a little broccoli, a wizened yellow pepper, a bit of yellow squash, a portabella, a tiny bit of white wine and I tossed it all together with yellow curry paste and yellow curry powder and a little green curry and a little flour and presto, a scrumptious Shrimp Curry. WOW! It was really good. Keith thought it was a little too hot (I'd just announced it was a little too mild). But it had great flavor. Yum yum! (If it were up to me I'd have made it a shade hotter, and Keith would have preferred it a shade milder, but we both enjoyed it and ate it all up. Graham had Wendy's chicken strips and french fries. He didn't finish it.


Nicole said...

Love curry, I want some too.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

It WAS really good! Yummy! THANKS!