Sunday, February 10, 2008

Senufo Cloth Art Workshop at the DIA

We went to the DIA* today. It was very cold and windy and the sidewalks were icy and there was blowing snow, so we walked at the DIA and then looked around. I participated in a workshop on a Senufo African artform done on cloth. I joined near the end, so didn't have as much time as the others to either learn about it or do a good job, but I had fun anyway. Here's a one (a turtle, by a 7th graders, not at my workshop.) Here's a bird, also by a 7th grader. Here's a real one done by an African Tribesperson.

Detroit Institute of Arts


Coffeypot said...

For us ignorants, what is DIA?

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Detroit's art museum, the Detroit Institute of Art.

Fortune Cookies said...

cool, sounds like fun! I wish Nashville had more art museums. We have the Frist, and a couple of tiny ones but they aren't like the big ones I've visited in San Francisco, Chicago,Cleveland, Dallas...of course, it IS Nashville. We do have the Country Music Hall of Fame though, Yee

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Thanks, No More! I love the DIA! It's sort of expensive, though. We're members, finally, but at the lowest level. We can't even bring our son.

Coffeypot said...

The painting, or drawing, by the African tribeperson, was it hanging outside a bait and tackle shop?

a/k/a Nadine said...

That's cool! Will you do more on your own?