Monday, June 02, 2008

My New Journal

For my birthday, which was Saturday (I'm 62 now!), I received from one daughter an all-media sketch book and from the other daughter, the book, Keeping a Nature Journal by Clare Walker Leslie and Charles E Roth. I have been keeping a nature Journal since then in my new book. Here is a crop of one of the pages (which didn't scan well because the book is too large to fit on the scanner.) You can see some sample pages here.

I also received from my daughters Last Child in the Woods*, by Richard Louv, The Omnivore's Dilemma, by Micahel Pollam, and the Wild Braid, by Stanley Kunitz. Thank you VERY MUCH! :-D

From my husband, I received: an 8 gig "extreme" card for my camera, a viewer (which you can see here, if interested), and a new Singer sewing machine so I can put larger pockets in my jeans to nerdily carry more gear.

What do the gifts that one receives say about them? :-D

*View a rant poem that refers to this book here, if interested.

PS: I haven't had time to post all the links yet, so if interested in them, come back later. I have some work I have to do FIRST.


Coffeypot said...

Happy late birthday, Mary! I wish I was 62 again. But I will take any and all future days I can get, too.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Thanks John! I wish you long life, good health and happiness!