Thursday, March 29, 2007


Our new grandaughter, Sophie Tistephanie was born yesterday weighing 8 lbs. She was 21 inches long and the labor only lasted about an hour. We may see her on Saturday. YAY!

Kyle and Kylie, two monkeys traveling for a 4th grade school program in New Mexico, came to visit today and will be staying for a trip to Canada and NY. Then they will go to California and maybe even to England! I have to photograph them in various places and send the photos to the kids. Eventually, by May 11, they are supposed to arrive back in NM.

The top picture is Kyle and Kylie at my house, remembering their relative, Mr. Grim, who lived with us a long time ago. He was a cinnamon capuchian and wore diapers because he wasn't house broken.

The bottom two pictures Gayle took in Jackson at Cascades park with the dry cascades and the crocuses.

I may post more of Kyle and Kylie's visit and trip later.

I went to the doctor yesterday and he upped my dose of Provigil.Posted by Picasa


a/k/a Nadine said...

Yay! Congrats on Sophie's arrival. How exciting. Pictures to follow, I'm sure?

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

When we see her. She's coming home from the hospital today. We will prolly see her Saturday and I'm sure we'll take pictures--and they are too, of course, if we get any of those.

BerryBird said...

One hour of labor? Sophie's Mom is a lucky woman. Sophie is such a pretty name.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Neil says she was not shy about hollering her head off! It was quick, but not painless. But quick is good!