Saturday, February 16, 2008


Looking down at the ice at Pier Park with infinity stretching
away--for Photo Friday's "infinity" theme.

I love the lake, it changes every day.


Coffeypot said...

"Wait! Let me see... By God, you are right. It is ice."

BerryBird said...


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

We walked at B'l'Isle today and I am still chilled.

Yup, ice. I think it's pretty and sort of interesting looking, I take it you do not?

Coffeypot said...

Ice is ice. I don't like or dislike it. It just is. It can be aggravating when you try to walk on it and it can add to a glass of tea or a glass of booze. I was commenting on the way BB was looking at the water is such a quizzical way.