Saturday, March 08, 2008

Spring rolls

Here are the spring rolls I made for myself and BB for lunch. They were scrumptious!

PB is sick. :-(


a/k/a Nadine said...

They do look nice. All this talk of such has made me want some food from Mai Lan.

And those berries! That's what's really catching my eye.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

MMMmmmm, fresh berries.

They have them at the Village market which is a block away--I pick some up nearly every day.

Of course, they aren't very environmental! All those gas miles and the huge carbon footprint. AK!

I'd like to be more environmental in that respect but living in the city with nothing but unenvironmental stores around makes it particularly hard.

The spring rolls are easy and involve NO COOKING! You just wrap up some lettuce (you can buy it precut in a bag) and whatever else you want in there inside a rice paper.

OOps, I did cook the spaghetti I put in in place of Vermicelli (3 minutes of boiling). It's optional, though. You can cut up raw tofu or buy precooked chicken etc in strips or pieces.