Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The last of the Big Spenders

My new book arrived in the mail today. I bought it on Ebay for 1 cent. I haven't started reading it because I am currently reading Peter Pan in Scarlet, which I haven't had time to add to my reading list.

I bought the book because it is currently out of print and the next in the series I am reading. I'll put the next two on my wish list, LOL! Still reading Masterharper of Pern (and all the other books on my list), about halfway through, but not quite.

And yes, of course, I did pay more for the book--I paid $3.50 in postage and it cost $1.59 to mail (not counting gas to the post office etc). But I am still pleased to have it. Very pleased and eager to begin. Posted by Picasa


BerryBird said...

That's still a great deal. And what fun when the packages arrives!

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

It was fun. I never heard a word from the seller even though I emaile dhim and said I was having trouble with Pay Pal and wouod be sending a check, so wasn't sure what would happen but lo and behold it arrove.