Thursday, January 03, 2008

My "real age"

According to, my calendar or chronological age is 61.6 and my "real age" is 61.4 which is down from before in some areas and (up in others).

If you want to take the test and see how you do, take the free RealAge test. You do seem to have to give out some personal info, however.

Here are the areas where I do well and poorly (I eat LOTS of vegetables, so I don't know why it says my vegetable intake is low.) My social network of local friends has decreased since Gail moved to California and Sam and Joan have become unavailable due to problems with aging relatives. They don't like that I drive a motorcycle and tend to drive a little over the speed limit.

Cardiovascular level
Daily vitamin
Limited or no secondhand smoke exposure
Parents relationship
Medication use
Happy marriage
Vehicle size
Healthy resting heart rate
Flossing habits
Optimal grain level
Good omega-3 intake
Folic acid intake
Breast cancer history
Education level
Cell phone use
Safe driving speeds
Good genes
Good oral hygiene
Safety belt or airbag usage
Diverse diet
No ovarian cancer in family
Calcium intake
Vitamin C intake
Flexibility routine

Learn how these benefits make your RealAge younger!

Lack of daily breakfast
Blood pressure control
Low unsaturated fat
Vitamin E intake
Workout schedule
Potassium levels
Low vegetable intake
Social network and stress
Strength training level
Unsafe driving practices
Low fruit servings
High BMI
Poor asthma control
High red meat intake
Learn how to stop most of these costs from making your RealAge older

this is messed up and I have been wasting time trying to fix it but my html isn't good enough and I have other things to do--sorry!

Your ideal body weight is 135 pounds, or 61.4 kilograms.
Your protein intake requirement is 27.6 grams to 49.1 grams.
If you are working endurance training, increase to 28.6 to 49.2 grams.

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