Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Janathon my way day 3

Walking at Three Rivers with Scott

I'm doing Janathon my way.  Janathon means running or exercising daily and blogging about it and logging in.

I walk every day.  Sometimes I run. When I say run, I mean a slow jog.

I've walked every day this month (and every day last month, last year etc, with very few exceptions.)

But I don't blog every day and I do NOT need more to do or a larger community of folks, no matter how nice they are.

I'd prefer to choose how to spend my time and who to spend it with.  I want to improve the relationships I already have and perhaps add one or two QUALITY relationships. Not tons of how do you do 3-word response virtual relationships.

So why do Janathon then?  Good question!  It's encouragement for my exercise program.  I guess it's my way of saying, I am exercising daily and will continue to do so.  And maybe write about it.  We'll see.  And I am willing to make new friends, just not the ones who write "WTG!" on everything and nothing else.


Anonymous said...

You know I'm always good for more than 3 words, HA! Blah blah blah blah blah! I hope I'm one of those QUALITY relationships you're planning to maintain :-)

Hooray for Janathon in an form!

John said...

I could do with taking a leave out of your book Mary. I do walk every day with my dogs, however I need to get back into the regime where I am pushing myself more. I have no idea what WTG means. I cannot even remember if these are the letters as your comment box is separate from your blog. It is probably memory exercises I need too.....

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

@!Hennie--of course you're my quality relationship!!!!!

@John: WTG = Way to go! and at Daily Health challenge, some of my "friends" write that every day. I don't feel very friended by that.

jo(e) said...

Well, now I'm tempted to write WTG! on this.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I wouldn't mind if you did, but if you posted WTG! on everything I wrote, I would feel unheard.

jo(e) said...

I believe that was my first WTG ever.

But yeah, I do know what you mean. It's like twitter -- I enjoy seeing little bits of people's lives on twitter but it absolutely cannot replace seeing a real person in real life, taking a nice walk around a lake on a winter day, talking, eating together, laughing, and getting hugs. That kind of time will always be my top priority.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

WTG with a great observation, LOL! Me too, me too!!! I love hugs and conversation and scenery and touching and seeing faces and expressions and exploring things in more depth.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

This is good for the between times, though. :-D