Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Janathon Day 9

Virtual Neighborhood walk
I walked 52 minutes yesterday--and much faster and farther than I have been walking.  The battery on my Pedometer is dead, the one my daughter gave me, and we haven't been able to replace it yet.  We've been to multiple places and they've been out of the battery.  So I don't know how far I walked.  I'd guess Around 3 miles?

The images are all things I can walk to from home--things I DID walk to.

I didn't complete any art--we went to the movies last night and saw Sherlock Holmes Shadow Game--too much gratuitous violence for me.  I did write a poem, earlier in the day, but it is very disturbing.  If you'd like to see it, say so in your comment and I will email it.  Assuming I have your email.

PS:  If you read my earlier post about post-it notes, for Hennie Mavis, here's her response.  (You have to scroll down.)  She's got one of the actual notes.


John said...

I would like to read your poem Mary. Having watched the first of this Sherlock Holmes movie last year I can only report disappointment and I have no desire to see the second. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle would recognize nothing in these movies except the names.

John said...

I would like to read your poem Mary. Having watched the first of this Sherlock Holmes movie last year I can only report disappointment and I have no desire to see the second. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle would recognize nothing in these movies except the names.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Thanks for reading my poem, John! I have to agree about the Sherlock Holmes movie! AK--what happened to the intellectual guy?